Back Pain And Sports: Active Treatment


The back is a complicated system of bones and muscles. Each piece plays a vital role in your ability to move. Inactivity leads to atrophy of those intricate components. Overexertion can result in muscle and joint pain, or sore bones. Back pain can also be caused by poor posture, being overweight, ill-advised or awkward lifting, or from an accident. Or you may simply be getting older. By some estimates, more than 80 percent of all people will suffer from back pain.

One of the easiest ways to stave off back pain and discomfort is to remain active in sports. Here are five popular suggestions:

Swimming – Laps in a pool may not seem that exciting, but a good swim requires you to use nearly all of your muscles. Your back muscles, in particular, will get a full workout and your spine will naturally correct.
Running – Nothing gets your heart racing quite like running. You’ll build up stamina while working most of the muscles in your lower body. Running also forces you to fix your posture – you can’t run well if you’re huddled over or pitched to the side. Running can cause you to experience some lower back pain, so it’s crucial you stretch before taking off. If your leg muscles are tight, you’ll try to overcompensate with other muscles, which can lead to awkward running positions and unnecessary stress on your pelvis.
Yoga – Several studies have been completed on the long-term benefits of yoga for those dealing with back ailments. One 60 to 90 minute session a week can improve your back health considerably.
Biking – For those suffering predominantly from lower back pain, biking is a recommended exercise. Biking doesn’t jar the spine the ways other forms of exercise do. Stationary bicycling – not dealing with the variables of natural terrain – is especially gentle on the spine. Leaning forward on a bike alleviates some of the pain. You can also opt for a recumbent bike if traditional bikes are too uncomfortable. Some bike lovers have opted for spinning classes, which are also less stressful on the back.
Golf – Among all sports, golf is one of the most low-impact. Although the frequent twisting of the back to swing can lead to issues, a big advantage is the amount of walking you have to do to play a course. Like running, it gets the blood flowing throughout your body.

Before any active sport, go through a warm-up routine. Doing so prepares your muscles and helps your back get ready for the stress about to begin. Here are some basic warm-up rules:

Stretch – You need to loosen the muscles you’ll be exercising. Stretch common muscles like your hamstrings, triceps, and calf muscles and also twist and rotate the muscles along your back and waist to increase range of motion.
Gradual Improvements – Gradually stretch with simple movements to increase blood flow. Subtly increasing the intensity will help loosen your back muscles.
Practice – Phantom swim before you hit the water. Do a few practice golf swings before you tee up. You want to give your muscles an idea of what’s to come.

Why Do You Get Varicose Veins In Your Feet?


Millions of people throughout the world struggle with varicose veins. While many assume they affect only the legs, varicose veins can be a considerable problem in your ankles and feet. This post includes basic information about varicose veins, as well discussing the symptoms of venous reflux disease, which leads to foot problems.

What are Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are enlarged, blue or dark purple veins that bulge from the skin. Common symptoms of varicose veins include pain, discomfort, and throbbing. People can experience varicose veins throughout the body but they’re most often seen in the legs. While they can sometimes be harmless, varicose veins have been known to lead to more serious health problems, including:

  • Bleeding: When the skin over the veins becomes thin, bleeding can occur. Blood loss can be a concern if left untreated.
  • Sores or Skin Ulcers: Painful and difficult to heal, sores and skins ulcers are a result of chronic back-up of blood in the veins. Some sores and skin ulcers won’t heal until the vein blood flow is fixed.
  • Superficial Thrombophlebitis: A blood clot that forms in a vein just below the skin is also known as superficial thrombophlebitis. Symptoms include reddened skin, tender, warm veins, and pain or swelling.
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis: When a blood clot happens in a deeper vein, it is called deep vein thrombosis. Those experiencing it will feel a pulling sensation in the calf, swelling, pain, warmth, and redness. Deep vein thrombosis can have no significant symptoms. But blood clots that travel to the lungs can be fatal.

What is Venous Reflux Disease?

Venous reflux disease, also known as venous insufficiency, occurs when the saphenous vein in the leg can’t supply blood back to the heart efficiently. When that happens, blood travels to the ankles and pools there, which leads to swelling and the development of varicose veins. People who stand up while they work are more susceptible to venous reflux disease, and, therefore, varicose veins in their feet.

In some cases, chronic swollen ankles are a sign of heart failure, so it’s critical you see a physician if you suffer from them for an extended period of time.

When Should You Go To A Doctor?

If you have any of the following symptoms, consider seeing a physician:

  • Sores or a rash on the leg, near the ankle, or your feet
  • Skin on the calf, ankle, or foot becomes thick and changes color
  • You suffer from bleeding of varicose veins
  • Swollen, red, painful, warm, or tender veins
  • You have a hard time doing daily activities because of chronic leg problems
  • The unsightliness of varicose veins is making you feel uncomfortable

If you’re experiencing discomfort and pain in your legs and feet, don’t hesitate to get help. Swelling and varicose veins may seem like a small problem, but you might want to ensure they’re not a sign of a larger health concern.

What to Expect with UFE


Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) is a non-surgical, minimally invasive treatment that shrinks fibroids and provides relief. Performed by an Interventional Radiologist, UFE is 90 percent effective in reducing symptoms caused by fibroids. Up to 75 percent of all women may have uterine fibroids, but many are unaware they have them because there are no symptoms. For many years, the standard treatment for most women with uterine fibroids was hysterectomy. By choosing hysterectomy, the patient agrees to have her uterus surgically removed, which permanently eliminates the risk of fibroids. For women who have childbirth plans, hysterectomy is obviously not recommended. But it is the only treatment option that guarantees the fibroids won’t regrow. That said, it’s best as a last resort when all other treatment options are unsuccessful. Though many patients have heard of UFE – it’s been available for more than 20 years – they may not be entirely sure what the process entails. Here’s what you can expect if you choose to undergo UFE:

  1. You arrive at the hospital or facility the morning of the out-patient procedure. You are put under local anesthetic and sedation.
  2. A tiny incision is made in your upper thigh and a catheter is inserted through it into the femoral artery. Your interventional radiologist locates the arteries that supply blood to each fibroid by using a tiny x-ray. Your physician then injects microscopic inert particles into the vessels to block blood supply. The fibroids will then start to shrink. The entire process takes between one and three hours.
  3. You’ll wake up feeling a bit sore and possibly having some strong cramping, which is normal. The cramping may last for a few days. One simple way to relieve pressure is to empty your bladder frequently. As for the incision, the pain is minimal and you’ll soon have difficulty even locating the scar on your leg.
  4. Total recovery time takes approximately seven to ten days. You’ll experience some tiredness and muscle stiffness, and that’s normal. If you notice anything unusual, such as fever or severe cramping, contact your doctor.
  5. You should see a reduction in your menstruation cycle, notably a shortened duration and less bleeding. For most women, this is the most noteworthy change. Women who have had cycles lasting as long as two weeks have seen them cut in half.
  6. Dyspareunia, or pain during intercourse, is a common symptom of uterine fibroids. Most women can resume intercourse after about two weeks without pain. You may experience slight cramping after, but that will dissipate over time.
  7. If your uterus was visibly enlarged, you should see a reduction in size within a couple of months. You should also experience less overall pressure and pain in your bladder and lower back. If you were experiencing frequent constipation, that should diminish, too.