Celebrating Men’s Health Month: Advanced Interventional Radiology Services

June is Men’s Health Month; a time dedicated to raising awareness of preventable health issues and encouraging early detection and treatment of diseases among men. At Radiology of Indiana, we recognize the importance of men’s health and are committed to providing state-of-the-art interventional radiology services that offer minimally invasive solutions for a variety of health concerns. Let’s explore some of the innovative services we offer and how they can benefit you or the men in your life.

What is Interventional Radiology?

Interventional radiology (IR) is a medical specialty that uses imaging techniques to guide small instruments like catheters and needles through the body to treat various conditions. These procedures are less invasive than traditional surgery, resulting in shorter recovery times, reduced pain, and lower risk of complications.

Key Interventional Radiology Services for Men’s Health

  1. Prostatic Artery Embolization (PAE)
    Prostatic Artery Embolization is a minimally invasive procedure where tiny particles are injected into the arteries that supply blood to the prostate. This reduces blood flow to the prostate, causing it to shrink and alleviate symptoms. PAE is performed through a small puncture in the groin or wrist, allowing for a quicker recovery compared to traditional surgery.
  2. Y-90 Cancer Treatment
    Y-90 cancer treatment is a cutting-edge option for those diagnosed with a primary or metastatic liver cancer. Often, these types of cancers can be difficult to treat because liver tumors can be inoperable and chemo drugs ineffective in curing the cancer. With Y-90 treatment, powerful doses of radiation are delivered to the exact tumor location, avoiding unnecessary exposure to other areas where it’s not needed. Radiologists use X-ray technology to guide small doses of radiation which are injected through blood vessels to the affected area, essentially cutting off blood supply and oxygen to the tumor, preventing them from growing.
  3. Joint & Tendon Pain Treatment
    Joint and tendon pain is common and can happen to everyone from the average active individual to the professional athlete. In the past, the pain has been treated with rest, physical therapy, medications, or open surgery taking months or years of recovery time. Now, a new procedure has been introduced called Tenex TX, which ultimately removes the source of the pain, getting you back to your active lifestyle faster.Through a small incision made to the area and using ultrasound technology, radiologists can see the exact location of the pain. Then an instrument that is about the size of a toothpick is used to deliver ultrasonic energy that breaks up and removes the damaged tissue. This procedure doesn’t disturb healthy tissue and no sutures or stiches are needed to heal.
  4. Back Pain Treatment
    Back pain can be debilitating and cause major limitations in daily life. A procedure called Kyphoplasty is a revolutionary new option to treat back pain and most procedures take less than an hour.  Using x-ray and MRI technology, radiologists can assess the precise area of pain and help restore bone damage. Radiology of Indiana has performed over 1,000 kyphoplasty procedures with 90% of patients experiencing complete, or nearly complete pain relief.

At Radiology of Indiana, our team of skilled interventional radiologists provide the highest level of care using the latest technological advancements. We understand the unique health challenges that men face and are committed to offering personalized, minimally invasive solutions to improve your health and quality of life.

Benefits of Choosing IR Treatments:

– Minimally Invasive Procedures: Reduced risk, pain, and recovery time.

– Expert Team: Highly trained and experienced interventional radiologists.

– State-of-the-Art Technology: Advanced imaging and treatment techniques.

– Comprehensive Care: Collaboration with other healthcare providers to ensure holistic care.

Take Charge of Your Health

Men’s Health Month is a perfect time to take charge of your health and address any concerns you may have been putting off. Don’t wait to take the first step towards better health. Contact Radiology of Indiana today to learn more about how our interventional radiology services can benefit you or schedule a consultation with one of our experts. Your health and well-being are our top priority. Visit our website or call (317) 621-5555.

It’s Time to Tend to Your Tendinitis

Do you often feel pain or swelling in your muscles and joints? Tendinitis might be the culprit. It’s time to tend to your tendinitis; our latest blog helps to explain the condition further and offers some insight for a deeper understanding. Read to learn more below!

Understanding Tendinitis  

If you’ve ever experienced muscle and joint stiffness, odds are you may have encountered a condition known as tendinitis, the inflammation of a tendon, most often caused by repetitive motion.  It’s a frequent issue that affects any area of the body containing tendons, most commonly near the elbows, wrists, shoulders, and heels. Tendinitis is common in those involved in regular physical activity, such as athletes or manual labor workers who consistently place extra strain on their muscles. It can impact people of all ages alike. Whether it’s a young toddler or a mature adult, the condition has the potential to impact individuals across all stages of life. Pain can range from mild to severe and typically occurs near the affected tendon. Commonly experienced symptoms may include:

  • Pains and aches that are made worse with movement
  • Redness around the inflamed area
  • Reduced flexibility and range of motion
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness

Some individuals may even experience a feeling of heat from the affected area or see a visible lump. As the condition progresses, the pain could intensify, resulting in an inability to perform everyday activities like dressing oneself or something as simple as opening doors. However, early detection and diagnosis can help prevent further worsening of issues and allow time for proper recovery through rest, stretches, and therapy methods. With medical attention and quick action upon signs of discomfort, the condition can be managed before unnecessary problems arise.

Understanding Tendinitis - find out more in our blog!

Tendonitis Treatment Redefined

The options for treating tendon pain could be very limiting, often depending on rest, physical therapy, medications, or open surgery if necessary. As a result, patients often had to wait months or years to gain any relief from their chronic pain. This is changing thanks to the introduction of the Tenex TX procedure. This minimally invasive technique does not require a general anesthetic. Instead the insertion of a Tenex needle into the affected tendon with ultrasound guidance to ensure accuracy. The highly effective treatment removes scarred and damaged tendon tissue and does not require an extended recovery period.

Additionally, by addressing only the affected areas, this procedure can help reduce pain associated with tendinopathy. While also avoiding damage to healthy surrounding tissues. The procedure runs on the short side, only taking about 10-15 minutes, and is often followed with physical therapy.

Interventional radiology - seeing you through to good health! Schedule an appointment today.

Spring has sprung, but alongside it may have come tendon pain. Learn more about how Radiology of Indiana can be of service by learning more about the procedure here or contacting us at (317) 621-5555 today!






A Closer Look at Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are a bothersome problem that many of us know little about. This familiar yet undiscussed condition affects one in three adults, yet most patients don’t seek proper treatment. Join us as we take a closer look at varicose veins!

Understanding Varicose Veins – What Are They?

When circulatory system vessels have become abnormally or excessively dilated, it’s known as varicose veins. While more commonly experienced in women, it can affect anyone, with approximately 23% of adults living with it. Varicose veins appear as blue-green twisted or bulging lines beneath the skin’s surface. The veins become enlarged when the valves in the veins no longer function properly and can’t return deoxygenated blood to the heart. As a result, stagnant blood accumulates in portions of the leg veins resulting in pressure buildup and their characteristic swollen appearance. While primarily found in the legs, they can appear elsewhere on the body, such as the feet.

Zoomed in shot of woman with varicose veins.

How to Recognize Varicose Veins

Various factors contribute to the formation of varicose veins—genetics, sedentary lifestyle, extended periods of standing, hormonal changes, and even excessive exposure to the sun. A common myth surrounding varicose veins is that treatment is pursued solely for cosmetic reasons. However, this could not be further from the truth. This condition can cause many downright painful symptoms.

The most common symptoms include:

  • Aching or burning sensations when standing
  • Discoloration around veins
  • Swelling of the ankles and legs

Remember the power of good habits for those fearful of developing varicose veins. Proper care, such as regular exercise, lots of water, weight management, and elevated legs while resting, can minimize your risk for varicose veins. A healthy diet, compression stockings, and the limitation of alcohol are also highly advised.

When to Worry About Varicose Veins

While often harmless, you should seek medical attention if you experience severe symptoms such as intense pain or itching around the veins. Also, look for other signs of complications, such as sores that ooze fluid or bleeding directly from a vein. It’s important to note that varicose veins increase the risk of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) or blood clots. Varicose veins can also decrease mobility and interfere with everyday activities, so it’s vital to remain vigilant of symptoms.

The Role of Interventional Radiology in Treatment

At Radiology of Indiana, we often favor a form of treatment known as Endovenous Laser Ablation due to its efficacy with our patients, with a success rate of approximately 98%. In the past, a surgical procedure known as vein stripping that consisted of entirely removing the vein from the leg was most common. Yet, with the emergence of endovenous laser therapy, surgery is no longer necessary. This speedy procedure will have you walking in and out of our office within an hour, as it does not require general anesthesia. This minimally invasive procedure uses laser energy to seal off problematic varicose veins. By inserting a small laser fiber into a vein through a tiny needle, the laser energy can heat the vein walls and collapse it closed. Covered by all insurance types, treatment options such as endovenous laser ablation are available for those diagnosed with symptomatic varicose veins.

It’s important to note that interventional radiology offers varied treatment options. The best action plan for you can be achieved by scheduling an appointment today. Through radiology, patients can find relief from this painful condition.

Give yourself the care you deserve. Schedule an appointment today.To learn more about interventional radiology services for varicose veins, visit our website or contact us at 317-621-5555 today!






Recognizing the Value of Radiologists

Radiologists are some of the most crucial professionals in the medical field but often go unrecognized for their amazing work.  Our latest blog delves into what radiologists do, how they’re making a difference in people’s lives, and recognizing the value of radiologists.

The Role of a Radiologist

Radiologists celebrate the complexity of the human body and work to improve lives through the use of imaging technology. As medical experts, radiologists are critical in interpreting images captured by radiologic imaging for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Primarily used when treating disease and issues in varied areas such as cancer, vascular diseases, men’s health, and women’s health. Through detailed analysis of X-rays, CT scans, ultrasounds, and MRI scans, they can identify injuries and illnesses that could otherwise go undetected. Their skillful work has saved countless lives over the years and will continue to do so in the future.Urologists viewing test results of a patient.

The Relationship Between Radiologist and Patient

 A radiologist plays a key in difficult diagnoses and image-guided treatments of serious medical conditions. Thus, the relationship between radiologists and their patients is unique and one to acknowledge. Working together with other healthcare professionals, they consult patients or their caregivers about the appropriate tests to perform and how to prepare for them.

Additionally, they analyze the images taken and diagnose and explain the results and discuss possible treatments with them. From detecting tumors to uncovering various conditions, they use their expertise and technology to help in providing a diagnosis. They can also provide peace of mind for families who are seeking answers about the health of their loved ones.  Through their expertise, radiologists truly make a difference and help make healthcare diagnoses possible.

We are now hiring for radiologists! Learn more at our careers page.This February, show your body some love. Learn more about all our services as well as explore career opportunities at Radiology of Indiana! Visit our website or contact us at (317) 779-2150 today.





Treating Lower Back Pain with Interventional Radiology

Lower back pain is the leading cause of disability in the United States. It’s estimated that 8 out of 10 people will experience some form of back pain in their lifetime. With so many varied sources of pain, it can be difficult to find relief, but not impossible. Have you considered treating lower back pain with interventional radiology? In this blog, we discuss why back pain is so common and how radiology now plays a role in new treatment options like kyphoplasty.

Lower Back Pain – An Overview

Essentially, the lower back (or lumbar spine) supports most of our body weight and allows us to twist and bend. When muscles and ligaments in this area become strained or injured, it’s likely to feel pain in this area. Lower back pain is often caused by poor posture, excessive sitting, lifting heavy objects improperly, or injury to the muscles and ligaments in the area. However, other causes can result in lower back pain such as spinal misalignment, osteoarthritis, kidney infections, and pregnancy. So next time you experience pain in your lumbar region, we advise you to speak to a doctor or healthcare provider.

Woman holding lower back with a red circle to indicate where it hurts.

Don’t Let Lower Back Pain Hold You Back

The road to relief begins with finding the right medical treatment. Fortunately, when it comes to lower back pain, there are plenty of treatment options available. Some individuals may find relief in over-the-counter or prescription medication for pain management.  Whereas others may benefit from treatments such as physical therapy and even the use of interventional radiology. It’s important to note that everyone is different and might require various treatments based on their unique needs.

 Interventional Radiology: Can Kyphoplasty Help?

Have you ever tried to stand up straight, only to have a stabbing pain shoot through your lower back? If so, kyphoplasty may be the solution for you. During this minimally invasive procedure, a small incision is made in the back and a balloon is inserted into the fractured vertebra. The balloon is then inflated, restoring height to the vertebra and alleviating pressure on nerves and other delicate structures. A special cement is then injected to help stabilize the bone and provide further pain relief. The entire process usually takes less than an hour, with most patients able to resume their normal activities within one or two days. Don’t overlook the potential of treating lower back pain with interventional radiology can offer!


Radiology of Indiana provides various interventional radiological treatments to help treat lower back pain including kyphoplasty! Visit our website or contact us at (317) 621 – 5555 to get started today.





Revolutionizing Patient Care with Interventional Radiology

Interventional radiology (IR) is a medical specialty that performs image-guided minimally invasive procedures to diagnose and treat certain conditions. Compared to open surgery, they offer less risk, less pain, and quicker recovery time. With evolving technological advances, revolutionizing patient care with interventional radiology continues to minimize risks and improve patient outcomes.

Experts in Medical Imaging, and More.

Interventional radiology fun fact

Aside from being experts at interpreting medical imaging, interventional radiologists are board-certified physicians with fellowship training in IR procedures. Interventional radiologists use diagnostic images from x-rays, CT scans, MRIs, or other imaging types. The images help them navigate small instruments inside the body to treat various conditions.


The results are often the same or better in comparison to more traditional surgical methods and have other benefits, including:

  • Patient-friendly technology
  • Outpatient or brief hospital stays
  • Tiny incisions minimize scarring
  • Less pain and blood loss
  • Faster recovery time
  • Often less expensive than traditional surgery

Interventional Radiology Procedures

An interventional radiologist works with your provider to treat many of today’s most challenging medical problems, such as cancer, vascular diseases, and men’s and women’s health issues. For example, an interventional radiologist can treat the source of pain or disease by directing a thin wire and a catheter, the size of a strand of spaghetti, through a blood vessel. It may sound unbelievable, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg of the most innovative and effective treatments in medicine occurring today.

IR procedure

Interventional radiology treatments often have less risk, less pain, shorter recovery times, and better outcomes than traditional (open) surgery. Below are some examples of conditions commonly treated with IR.

  • Cancer
    • Lung
    • Liver
    • Kidney
    • Bone
  • Vascular Diseases
    • Aneurysm
    • Atherosclerosis
    • Blood clots, including deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
    • Stroke
    • Varicose veins
  • Men’s Health
    • Enlarged prostate
    • Fertility issues
  • Women’s Health
    • Uterine fibroids
    • Chronic pelvic pain
    • Infertility

The Future of Interventional Radiology

New procedural techniques that include the use of AI, virtual and augmented reality, robotics, and light-sensing technology mean the future of interventional radiology is bright. Since the discovery of the x-ray in 1895, radiology has paved the way for minimally invasive imaging. It is one of the most technologically advanced fields in medicine.

The future of IR

Visit our interventional radiology page at www.radiologyofindiana.com today! You can learn more about the procedures we specialize in, potential benefits, and other frequently asked questions.







The Power of Diagnostic Imaging for Prostate Disease

As men get older, their chances of developing an enlarged prostate increase. More than half of men over 60 have an enlarged prostate, which grows to 80% by age 80. An enlarged prostate is a common symptom shared by three primary prostate diseases. Let’s explore these prostate diseases and how Radiology of Indiana is equipped to help with the diagnostic part of testing and diagnosis.

Types of Prostate Disease

Enlarged prostate (1)

Any man can develop a prostate problem. Here are the main three types of prostate diseases:

  1. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is when the prostate grows larger for reasons not related to cancer. It affects approximately 50% of all men before the age of 50 and more than 75% percent of men over 60.
    1. Symptoms include:
      1. Weak urinary stream
      2. A sense of not being able to empty the bladder completely
  • Difficulty starting urination
  1. Urinating more often or a sense of having to go right away
  2. Having to get up often at night to urinate
  3. Stopping and starting of the urine stream.
  1. Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate that a bacterial infection may cause. This disease may affect all ages of men and can occur in any prostate, whether enlarged or not. Symptoms of prostatitis are like those caused by an enlarged prostate and may include:
    1. Urge frequency
    2. Difficulty in emptying the bladder
    3. Chills
    4. Fever
    5. Pain or burning during urination
  2. Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of death due to cancer among men. Many prostate cancers grow slowly and are confined to the prostate gland. However, some types of prostate cancer grow slowly and may need minimal or no treatment. Other types are aggressive and can spread quickly. Prostate cancer symptoms include:
    1. Difficulty with beginning urination
    2. Frequent need to urinate, particularly at night
    3. Inability to urinate
    4. Weak or sporadic urine flow
    5. Painful or a burning sensation during urination
    6. Painful ejaculation
    7. Blood in the urine or semen
    8. Pain in the back, hips, or located in the extremities

Interventional and Traditional Imaging Capabilities

Radiology of Indiana has interventional and traditional imaging capabilities to meet your needs to assist in the evaluation and diagnosis of prostate diseases, including:

  • Nuclear Medicine– A nuclear medicine procedure is a medical specialty that uses radioactive tracers (radiopharmaceuticals) to assess bodily functions and diagnose and treat disease.
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)– An MRI scan can produce detailed images of the organs and tissues in the body.


  • Prostatic Artery Embolization (PAE)PAE is a minimally invasive procedure for the treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). The prostate arteries are embolized by tiny microspheres that block some blood flow to the prostate, shrinking the tissue and relieving symptoms.


Dedication, Integrity, and Excellence

When you have physicians on staff with radiology experience dating back to 1960, adapting to the ever-changing healthcare environment becomes second nature. At Radiology of Indiana, our track record of exceptional services is what solidifies and strengthens our relationships with the hospitals, imaging centers, referring physicians, and patients who put their trust in us.

Let’s talk about how Radiology of Indiana can meet your needs too. Contact us today!





