Fibroid Types and Symptoms

Fibroids are non-cancerous (benign) tumors that grow from the muscle layers of the uterus and affect at least 20 percent of women sometime during their lifetime. Depending on their size and location, fibroids may cause no symptoms at all or a variety of complications. There are four primary types of uterine fibroids, classified by location: […]

Tips for Avoiding Back Pain While Gardening

A beautiful, warm spring day is perfect for heading outside to tend to your yard and garden. After a long winter, it feels great to be out sprucing up the landscaping or planting flowers. Unfortunately, though, many of us might not feel quite so great the next morning, as an entire day of yard work […]

Compression Therapy in Sports: Can Compression Up Your Game?

Doctors often recommend compression therapy for patients with Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI)—a condition where the valves in the leg veins are not working efficiently enough to pump blood back to the heart. Medical compression therapy includes garments or devices that provide compression to a particular body region. For example, for the treatment of CVI, a […]

Fibroids and Infertility: Is There a Connection?

While uterine fibroids are more common as a woman ages, approximately 20-30 percent of women of childbearing age are affected. These noncancerous tumors of muscle tissue in the uterus can cause back pain, abdominal pressure, urinary frequency, and heavy, painful, prolonged periods. Reproductive problems, such as infertility, can also be caused by uterine fibroids. Are […]

Tennis and Back Pain

Tennis can be hard on a player’s body. While most people associate tennis with injuries to the wrist and arm—hence the term, “tennis elbow”—low back pain is also very common among tennis players. How Does Tennis Cause Back Pain? Low back pain associated with tennis can have various causes: The hard surface of the court […]

Varicose Veins: Not Just a Woman’s Issue

A common misconception is that only women suffer from varicose veins. In reality, a surprising 40 to 45 percent of men also suffer from varicose veins. Why the Misconception? While it’s true that cosmetic vein conditions, such as spider veins, arise mostly in women, there are other vein conditions—even painful ones—that occur in men almost […]

Questions to Ask Your Specialist About UFE

You’ve talked to your OB-GYN about your uterine fibroid diagnosis and possible treatment options. So…what’s the next step? If you and your OB-GYN have determined that a treatment option such as Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) might be right for you, it’s time to see a specialist, particularly an interventional radiologist, who can evaluate whether or […]

Avoid Back Pain by Strengthening Your Core

Approximately 25 percent of Americans are affected by back pain in any given year, spending more time at the doctor’s office for back pain than for any other medical condition except high blood pressure and diabetes. Back pain sufferers can potentially avoid those doctor visits, as well as costly prescriptions and surgery, by doing simple […]

Athletes and Varicose Veins

Most people associate varicose veins with pregnant or overweight, sedentary individuals, but did you know that even active, healthy adults can be plagued with this condition? Athletes who spend much of their time on their feet can place a lot of strain on the veins of the lower legs, which can lead to the development […]

Questions to Ask Your OB-GYN About UFE

If you’ve been diagnosed with uterine fibroids and are tired of the pain and heavy bleeding you’re experiencing, it’s time to take action. With many treatment options available, it’s important to find the right one for you. Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE), a minimally invasive, nonsurgical procedure that blocks off the blood supply to the fibroids, […]